Emergency Response


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To mark International Women’s Day, we hear from seven Bangladeshi and Rohingya women supported by Community Partners International ...
Amid flooding and conflict in southeastern Myanmar, we talk to humanitarian workers supported by CPI, who ensure that essential services reach communities in urgent need ...
Rohingya and Bangladeshi humanitarian workers, supported by CPI, provide essential services to refugees and local communities in Kutupalong Refugee Camp, Bangladesh ...
Children are suffering as conflict engulfs Myanmar (Burma). Chae, 33, whose youngest child is acutely malnourished, tells of the struggle to keep her children healthy ...
For Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, finding enough safe water to meet their daily needs can be difficult and exhausting ...
Health Post psychologist Rahima Preety talks about the challenges the Rohingya/Bangladesh refugees face and how she works to help them ...

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