Transforming Lives

Livelihoods and Microfinance

As a small business owner with a disability, Ko Moe has faced many challenges in keeping his business afloat during the pandemic and Myanmar's political and economic crises ...
Eindray is one of 30 women enrolled in a livelihood project implemented by Community Partners International partner Precious Lady ...
In Myanmar’s Naga Self-Administered Zone, crop yields for farmers practicing traditional slash-and-burn agriculture have been falling due to climate change and deforestation ...
In 2018, a group of women in Myitkyina, Kachin State, Myanmar, were looking for ways to generate income to support their families and help community members displaced by conflict ...
The front room of Hla Hla Htwe’s home in Pyapon, Ayeyarwady Region, is a hub of activity ...
In 2015, she crossed the border unofficially from Kachin State, Myanmar, into Yunnan Province, China, looking for work ...

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