Transforming Lives

Maternal and Child Health

CPI began working with Rohingya traditional birth attendants in Kutupalong Refugee Camp, to encourage refugee women to give birth safely in health facilities ...
Children are suffering as conflict engulfs Myanmar (Burma). Chae, 33, whose youngest child is acutely malnourished, tells of the struggle to keep her children healthy ...
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) show a collapse in routine immunization coverage of children in Myanmar (Burma) between 2020 and 2021 ...
With support from the Livelihoods and Food Security Fund (LIFT), CPI is helping local partner the Karen Ethnic Health Organizations Consortium (KEHOC) ...
Moments after the health post’s doors opened for the first time, eight-year-old Omme came in with her father, Abul ...
In late August, CPI and local partner Green Hill broke ground on a new health post in Camp 1W of Kutupalong Refugee Camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh ...

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