Transforming Lives

Primary Health Care

Seven years ago, Khin Aye went for a routine prenatal check-up while pregnant with her first child. The hospital staff conducted a blood test. “When the test came back, they told me I had hepatitis ...
Faryal and her friends are members of families who have supported CPI's Rohingya Refugee Response since the beginning of the refugee crisis in August 2017 ...
CPI’s Myanmar team has been busy supporting conflict-affected, hard-to-reach, and underserved communities ...
The basement of CPI's office in Yangon was converted into a packing station to prepare packages of essential medical supplies for 180 clinics across Myanmar ...
Myanmar’s National Health Plan (2017-2021) expressly acknowledges the crucial role of EHOs in supporting the attainment of UHC ...
Thiri, 37, found out that she was HIV positive during a routine check-up while pregnant in 2013. She was afraid and alone ...

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