Transforming Lives

Food Security

We visit a project supported by CPI in Karen State that is helping families grow food to support their nutrition and livelihoods and increase resilience in uncertain times ...
The health of low-income families and communities depends on more than access to health care ...
Amid flooding and conflict in southeastern Myanmar, we talk to humanitarian workers supported by CPI, who ensure that essential services reach communities in urgent need ...
The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, provides free health care services to around 10,000 people with CPI’s support ...
Children are suffering as conflict engulfs Myanmar (Burma). Chae, 33, whose youngest child is acutely malnourished, tells of the struggle to keep her children healthy ...
In Myanmar’s Naga Self-Administered Zone, crop yields for farmers practicing traditional slash-and-burn agriculture have been falling due to climate change and deforestation ...

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