Transforming Lives


Metta is working to increase access to harm reduction services such as the Needle Syringe Exchange Program (NSEP) at drop-in center locations ...
Yone Lay is a transgender woman and peer educator who provides health education and referrals at a drop-in center in Yangon, Myanmar ...
Metta helps establish and support Local AIDS Committees for HIV/AIDS prevention in communities in Kachin State and Shan State, Myanmar ...
Alongside HIV testing and counseling, Metta utilizes a harm reduction approach at its centers, focused on minimizing the risks and harm associated with drug use ...
USAID announced the launch of a two-year, $10 million HIV/AIDS project at a ceremony organized by CPI in Myanmar ...
Daw Su Su lives in a small, neatly kept wooden house with a tin roof on the outskirts of Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region ...

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