Transforming Lives

Livelihoods and Microfinance

The rising tide of conflict, displacement, and economic woe is taking a heavy toll on communities across Myanmar ...
We hear from entrepreneur and small business owner Ma Nan Htet Htet about how a microloan supported by CPI is helping her weather the economic storm ...
On International Women’s Day, we meet Naw Wah Khu Say, a young woman entrepreneur from Karen (Kayin) State in Myanmar (Burma) ...
In Rakhine State on Myanmar (Burma)’s western coast, Ngapali Beach is one of the country’s foremost tourist destinations ...
The Thandaunggyi Women’s Group helps survivors of gender-based violence in southeast Myanmar ...
As a small business owner with a disability, Ko Moe has faced many challenges in keeping his business afloat during the pandemic and Myanmar's political and economic crises ...

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