Transforming Lives


On September 9, 2024, Typhoon Yagi struck Myanmar, affecting nearly 1,000,000 people across 70 townships. More than 300 people died, more than 300,000 were displaced, and flooding damaged and destroye ...
We visit a project supported by CPI in Karen State that is helping families grow food to support their nutrition and livelihoods and increase resilience in uncertain times ...
Since 2017, Houston’s Muslim community has come together to raise funds for Rohingya refugees from Myanmar in Bangladesh ...
Community organizations like CPI’s partner, the Hlaingtharya Development Network (HDN), are a vital resource against tuberculosis ...
Amid flooding and conflict in southeastern Myanmar, we talk to humanitarian workers supported by CPI, who ensure that essential services reach communities in urgent need ...
The Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, provides free health care services to around 10,000 people with CPI’s support ...

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